With a background in painting, she explores and unveils the manifolds of daily encounters and inner conditions. Her practice involves investigating art and its relation to sensation, documentation and experience. Her interest in the experiential quality of works leads her to engage in experiments with videography, sound and installations.

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︎︎︎ About
︎︎︎ Resume
︎︎︎ Works

With a background in painting, she explores and unveils the manifolds of daily encounters and inner conditions. Her practice involves investigating art and its relation to sensation, documentation and experience. Her interest in the experiential quality of works leads her to engage in experiments with videography, sound and installations.

elaine@misss-wong.com | Instagram | Vimeo

Video Installation, NFT Digital monitor, nylon drapes, reflective films, bean bag, projection | Dimension variable




In a city that does not sleep where does tranquility lie?

︎︎︎ White Night is the sensuous world of a city dweller trapped in limbo, experiencing the sleepless night and the drowsy day at the same time.  The viewers are invited to be submerged into an insomniac's realities.

︎︎︎ 在一個不會(用)睡的地方,白天和黑夜有什麼分別?「不夜天」困著一班人,他們生活在不眠的黑夜和昏睡的白天中。藝術家邀請你觀者走進這個失眠症後群的感觀世界,身臨其境,經歷被不夜天淹沒。

Artwork Captions ︎︎︎
Out of Xanax
2018 Single channel video
Stereo | 1920*1080 | 2’

White Night (black stream) #1
2022 NFT (Single channel video)
Silent | 1080*1080 | 15”

White Night (silver current) #1
2022 NFT (Single channel video)
Silent | 1080*1080 | 15”
Lullaby for the Insomniacs
2018 Single channel video | Stereo | 1920*1080 | 3’09”

White Night (crimson ripple) #1
2022 NFT (Single channel video) | Silent | 1080*1080 | 15”

White Night (blue fever) #1
2022 NFT (Single channel video) | Silent | 1080*1080 | 15”

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